Select the Mynd Mvmt Services That Suit Your Personal Needs and Objectives

Over XXX Satisfied Clients

Licensed Clinical Professionals

Using a Humanistic and Mind/Body Approach to Bring About Change

Getting More From Talk Therapy

Mynd Mvmt’s team is lead by senior-level therapists — licensed professionals with years of experience working in mental health and substance abuse treatment. Our clinical team uses evidenced-based techniques to guide clients through every phase of the growth and change process. Their style and approach is directive, as well as supportive, and far more targeted and deliberate than traditional “talk” therapy. Our objective is to ensure clients have the tools they need to succeed. In combining mindfulness practices and teachings with cognitive thought restructuring techniques (Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy — MCBT), our therapists effectively lead the process of healing & change. Our model is adapted from psychology, neurobiology, sociology, and holistic health.

Why Trust Mynd Mvmt for Your Therapeutic Needs?

Executive Function Support

Executive function support gives clients who have particularly struggled with organization, self-initiating structure and discipline, an opportunity to build these skills into their daily lives. Working with a licensed and experienced therapist outside of a traditional office environment, in the client’s home, for example, on targeted and specific task execution, clients build the “mental muscles” to eventually succeed in these areas on their own.

brief intervention therapy sessions — emdr, se, aedp (mind/body based)

Mynd Mvmt’s extensively trained and experienced clinicians offer our clients opportunities to work aggressively on tackling specific, more challenging and targeted issues. Also based in neuroscience and biopsychology these modalities provide additional options and tools for our professional team to use in our continued effort to help our clients advance further. If deemed appropriate, your consultant may recommend these types of modalities from the start or may consider this as an option to add on if and when challenges emerge. These are valuable tools for helping you get past difficulties that may interfere with your ability to move ahead.

Meditation/ Breath Coaching

In recent years the evidence to support using meditation and breath techniques as tools to improve one’s mental health, wellness, and general wellbeing is overwhelming! Our coaches understand precisely how to use – and teach you – the powerful tools that meditation and breath work can offer. Our objective is always to teach our clients to neutralize negative thoughts and emotions and begin to use their new learning to empower healing, and large scale life improvements.

Personalized Yoga & Yoga as Therapy

Many of us know yoga to be a form of exercise and although that can be true, it also can be used as a form of medicine. We offer clients an opportunity to have specialized classes created uniquely for their specific physical, emotional, and psychological needs. Our goal is always to support our clients in finding balance and learning how to use this ancient art form as a means to bring peace, health, wellbeing and overall life improvement.

Life Transitions Support

During times of uncertainty we can easily feel overwhelmed, stressed, confused, and we lose touch with who we are and what we care about most. Whether for academic or career changes, relationship transitions, planning for retirement, or the loss of a loved one, Mynd Mvmt Integrated Performance Specialists provide support and direction through transitions.

Biohacking/ Bioengineering & Integrated Nutrition/nutrition Coaching

Biohacking is the most logical approach to health and wellness and the standard of the future. Originally only accessible to elite athletes to maximize performance, biomechanics – the core of biohacking – uses scientific analysis to determine what our unique mind and body needs are to function at our very best. Understanding that each one of us has a different genetic blueprint, ancestry, history and lifestyle that impacts who we are and how we are, an integrated nutrition approach starts with determining the needs of each client individually before making recommendations for change in daily diet, lifestyle, exercise routine, and other areas. Biohacking allows us to optimize the functioning of our mind and body so we can achieve at the highest levels possible. With as many different types of unique blueprints as there are people on earth, it’s no wonder why a one-size-fits-all approach never works!

Registered Dietician Services

At Mynd Mvmt we see our relationship to food – how we eat and what we eat – as central to our health and wellness. At times the relationship is strong, and at other times we know it needs some work. With our increasingly fast-paced lifestyles, and with so many confusing and conflicting messages about food, diet, nutrition and health, working with a dietician can simplify our decisions, and guide us to the results we are after.

Myndful Movement Specialists

Our Myndful Movement Specialists are a truly special group. They work side by side with the rest of your team to ensure that the new habits and patterns essential to your growth and change become an integrated part of your daily life. Using the principles of mindfulness, and their knowledge of exercise science and functional anatomy, Mindful Movement Specialists focus on training the mind by changing the body! Central to everything we do at Mynd Mvmt is understanding the relationship between the mind and body to facilitate health, healing, wellness and success. Our Mindful Movement experts are extensively trained in exercise science, the foundations of movement, mindfulness, motivation, the mind and body relationship, and in biohacking.

Integrated Wellness/Mindfulness Coaching & support (Clinical)

Work with an integrated wellness professional, a mental health professional who also has training in mindfulness, body-based work, yoga, and/or nutrition, to support practical and targeted changes to mind and body. Our clients often choose to work with an integrated professional in addition to their primary therapist to support their therapy work with practical skills and tools to use in day to day life.

Evidence-based brief intervention techniques

Our clinical team uses evidence-based brief intervention techniques to guide clients through every phase of the growth and change process. Their style and approach is directive, as well as supportive, and far more targeted and delibarte than traditional “talk” therapy.

Multi-disciplinary, holistic strategy

Our consultants combine mindfulness practices and teachings with cognitive thought restructuring techniques to effectively lead the process of change. Our strategy is adopted from psychology, neurobiology, sociology and holistic health.

Start working with an Expert Today

Mental Health & Wellness

Struggling with symptoms of anxiety or depression? Seeking one-on-one counselling or coaching support? Want a more effective outpatient intervention?

Achevement & Goal Attainment

Looking for practical guidance and support? Want to advance your life or achieve a specific goal? Looking for executive function support?

Managing & Overcoming Stress

Feeling overwhelmed? Struggling with a difficult life event or experience?

Words do not convey the appreciation we owe you and the gratitude that we feel

Debbie B. (Parent) Long Island, NY

MYND MVMT truly recognizes how pathways to change are achieved. Incorporating MYND MVMT teachings into my own life has created extraordinary results! MYND MVMT understands how, often, the barriers to change occur within ourselves and empowers individuals to utilize their psychology in such a way that makes, truly, anything possible!

MYND MVMT client, 29 years old, Greenwich, CT

Just rereading a two-page email you sent me (from a year ago) about your impressions of our son and what it would take for him to get better. You seem to have been completely correct! We so appreciate all that you have done and are doing for him.

Father of MYND MVMT client, Westchester, NY

My MYND MVMT clinician gives me his undivided attention and has many ideas of how I can improve my current situation. I know he wants me to succeed.

MYND MVMT client, 26 years old, Westchester, NY

All I ever wanted was to be normal. I had been in and out of programs for years. I had honestly given up hope. I was depressed, dealing with horrible anxiety, was drinking just to get through the day. I couldn’t finish school or go to work. I kind of thought that would just be my life. Then I met Sam and her team, and everything changed. They taught me there is a totally different way to do it. Now I am a college graduate, living on my own and working in my first real job.

MYND MVMT client, 28 Years old

Ready to Meet the New You?

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