37 West 26th St, Suite 400 New York, NY 10010

At as a teenager, I was fascinated by advertising and how advertisers could influence what we buy by promising a happy and rewarding life as a result of purchasing their products. As I read about the power of advertising, I became intrigued by how the mind works and how mood effects how we perform and how we interact with others. The commercials I was seeing made some people feel good, prompting them to buy the promoted products. But commercials made others feel unfulfilled because they believed they couldn’t be happy unless they bought the product that was promised to make their life better. It was these thoughts that made joining Mynd Mvmt so meaningful. I long ago came to appreciate that a fulfilled life is one that comes from within – and that’s a central tenet of Mynd Mvmt.
Prior to joining Mynd Mvmt, my career has included advertising, public relations, and marketing financial programs. My previous position was as a managing director at Hudson Partners, where I raised capital for private equity and hedge funds. I have also marketed financing programs for small and midsize businesses as a senior vice president of the New York City Economic Development Corporation.
I received a B.A. in Psychology from Vassar College and an M.B.A. from Fordham University.