There is so much talk about change these days. Changing jobs, changing careers, changing your body, changing your partner, changing your identity, changing your mind, among other things. The reality is that wanting a change is one thing, but making the change is a whole other ballgame. In fact, it’s one that many people will fail to achieve because they don’t have the tools, information, or motivation required to get the results they say they want. This is where MYND MVMT comes in.

We live in a society that has accepted stress as the status quo. For many of us, when we aren’t moving toward our goals, when we are trying to relax and enjoy our lives more, we can’t shake the guilt or feeling that we should be doing something more. We live in a culture of achievement that produces a continual pressure to be striving for more. More money, more stuff, more success – bigger, faster, stronger. Our drive for success at an advanced time when almost anything is possible leads us to adopt a baseline level of stress that is extreme. It takes shape in the form of physical and emotional manifestations – everything from chronic metabolic and autoimmune diseases to stomach ulcers, colitis, IBS and, of course, anxiety and depression. With these issues continuing to rise and showing no sign of letting up, it should come as no surprise that the change that most people seek is to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Countering these issues is biohacking, a relatively new concept that has gained popularity over the past decade. The term is now ubiquitous, leading to confusion as to what it really means. Biohacking is the practice of changing our body’s chemistry/physiology through science and self-experimentation to energize, enhance and or heal the body. In other words, biohacking literally means optimizing mental and physical performance through biology and modern technology.

At MYND MVMT we combine what we know about biology, physiology, psychology and neurology to direct and support our clients through the change process. We teach and empower our clients to use the tools necessary to create sustainable change in their lives. Some of these methods of biohacking that we recommend include, but are not limited to:

Grounding or Earthing: The earth puts out an infinite supply of free electrons. When we connect with the earth using bare skin contact, the charge from the earth to the body reduces free radicals in the body. Free radicals are damaged atoms that contribute directly to inflammation, aging, and disease. With the connection to the earth you reduce inflammation and start a healing process of joint discomfort, mobility issues such as osteoporosis among other things. Over time you can also experience calmness and improved blood flow. Consider spending a minimum of thirty minutes per day barefoot in order to receive these benefits on either grass or sand. If you are unable to go outside, there are now earthing mats and other products that you can give you the same results.

Sunlight exposure: Combine grounding with sunlight exposure and you get a nice bang for your buck. Sunlight exposure can boost your mood, enhance cognitive function, and by receiving the light spectrum from the sun, give you a more natural physiological and mental wake up. And, of course, the sun is a great source of vitamin D.

Intermittent fasting: If practiced responsibly, fasting can offer benefits for the body and mind. For one, cellular clean-up is promoted which removes waste products from the body. There is also a connection between the healthy regulation of sugar and intermittent fasting. Other benefits include lower blood pressure, reduced oxidative stress, and improved hormonal balance. These benefits result in a more stable production of energy throughout the day, along with improved regulation of body weight, mitigating fat gain and even promoting fat loss, if that is your goal. Be sure to consult with a health care professional before initiating an intermittent fast.

Hot and cold therapy: Cold water immersion has shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure while improving vasodilation (blood flow). Another biological transformation is the white adipose tissue (white fat) converting into brown fat which is then used as an energy source along with fat burn. Improvement in cardiovascular systems as well as lowering cortisol production have also been linked with cold water immersion.

Infrared sauna as a heat therapy mechanism has shown to aid in DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and improve recovery time. Studies have also shown that post exercise sauna bathing over a period of three weeks substantially improved running performance, which can be attributed to an increase in blood volume. It also aids in weight loss, immune system, heart health and a general feeling of overall wellness and mental clarity.

Red light Therapy: RLT also known as photo bio-modulation has shown many positive effects on the human body. This therapy is a natural, non-invasive process that delivers beneficial wavelengths of light to your skin and cells. Improvement in skin tone and collagen production have been shown in clinical studies as well as a faster healing process in scars and wounds. RLT also provides an increase in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production for more energy output. Studies are being performed as well regarding depression calling RLT a possible antidepressant. Incorporating RLT, you may also benefit with the effects of improved melatonin production, sleep, joint pain and inflammation. It is a wonderful method in regulating your circadian clock.

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